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Technical Information

Service Endpoints S3 Compatibility

Service Endpoints


In order to access the S3 service, the API endpoint is:

Airbox supports what Amazon calls "host style" and "path style" requests. Host style means that the name of the bucket goes in the host. So a request to "somebucket" would be pointed at:

Path style means that the name of the bucket goes in the HTTP path, before any object key that would be specified, for example:

At the current time, Airbox only supports a single region (Virginia, USA), and so region information does not need to be specified in the URL.


IAM support is not yet available, but it is comong soon. If you have a requirement around IAM support, please use the contact link at the bottom of this page.

Unencrypted HTTP Requests

Airbox also supports non-encrypted requests using normal http. Use the same endpoints as above, but replace https:// with http://.