
About Airbox FAQ

Connecting Applications

Arq Cyberduck ForkLift Rclone Restic

Technical Information

Service Endpoints S3 Compatibility

About Airbox

We started Airbox with the mission of "making S3 storage as pervasive as the email address".


To put a file in your S3 storage, you first need to create a bucket. S3 storage accounts don't contain files directly. Instead they contain buckets, and the files go in the buckets.

Buckets are given a name which needs to be unique across the entire Airbox service. For this reason, if you try to name your bucket something really generic (like _data_ or _files_), it will probably be taken, and the application you're using will tell you.

Some applications (like Cyberduck) just use the term "Folders" instead of "Buckets". Beware of this.

Airbox is (mostly) Big-Tech Free

Airbox doesn't touch Amazon in any way, and we have as few ties to the major tech companies as possible. There is no Facebook or Google spyware installed on our website. (We do have a Twitter account, begrudgingly) Your support emails come into our own email server provided by these fine people. Our infrastructure relies entirely on the services of smaller, independent vendors. PayPal processes our payments, but we're on the lookout for an independent alternative.

This may come as a surprise to some, as some people tend to think that "S3" means "Amazon S3". This isn't really the case. Although Amazon was the originator of S3, the storage interface has grown far beyond Amazon, and there are now many ways to get S3-compatible storage that don't have anything to do with Amazon. In fact, while Amazon S3 is probably suitable if you're a software developer building applications that already use Amazon Web Services, for all other scenarios, there are usually better options available.